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Court Etiquette


Playing Standards 

We are all keen to enjoy our sport so we have just one simple Ground Rule to make the playing experience more enjoyable for all and that is ‘Keep it clean!’, the ‘it’ being:


  • the courts

  • your language 

  • your play

Please leave the courts free of litter, collect in tennis balls for other players to use and don’t let the frustrations of the game make you an unpleasant person to play with.


The following is an extract from the British Tennis website on court etiquette which reflects our approach:


  • Please do not walk onto any court when it is in use, even if people are only hitting or knocking up 

  • Please do not walk behind players whilst a game, a rally or coaching is in progress, this is to avoid distracting other members and most importantly to avoid any potential accidents on court.

  • If you are trying to cross a court please wait until you are invited to and it is safe to do so.

  • If a stray ball comes onto your court don’t knock it back immediately, wait until the owners are ready and then hit it to the server’s end.


  • During play and particularly between games, keep the amount and volume of conversation down to a minimum necessary to play and enjoy your own games. Too much chatter can be disturbing to those playing nearby and, in between games, can hold up play for people waiting.


  • Please avoid shouting across a court that is in use (whether for social or coaching) and approach the relevant court to let people know that you are waiting/find out how long they have been playing


Line calls can be a problem and we recommend the use of what the Americans call the ‘honour system’:

  • Only call the lines on your side of the net.

  • Call clearly and firmly what you see and what you honestly believe to be correct.

  • If you are not absolutely certain or didn’t see the ball clearly, the ball was IN and must be given in the opponents favour.

  • If occasionally you have serious doubts as to your opponent’s eye-sight, ask politely if they are certain as to the accuracy of their call. If they say that they are, get on with the next point.

  • If you feel your opponents regularly have difficulties making correct calls, start looking for different opponents!

  • If in social friendly matches there is some doubt over a line call, offer to play the point again rather than cause undue aggravation and time wasting.

  • Finally, avoid criticising your partner or opponent and be positive and offer encouragement instead.



Playing Standards


Here is a list of requirements for our social tennis playing standards and also what we would look for to offer an upgrade to a full member. This will be assessed by our head coach Sami



Social Tennis Criteria


  • Be able to serve consistently (minimal double faults) 

  • Rally with forehands and backhands 

  • Volley 

  • Understand club etiquette

  • Understand doubles positioning 


Full Member Criteria 


  • Serve with pace and direction (ball rising over the baseline) 

  • Be able to dictate rallying with ground strokes (hit cross court and down the line)

  • Be able to be active at the net (intercepting and switching sides when needed)

  • Be tactically aware (read patterns of play and when to attack/defend)

  • Be able to participate in team tennis/matches 



Thanks for reading and enjoy playing!

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